
時田 大輔

時田 大輔




2012年 東京医科歯科大学歯学部歯学科 卒業
2017年 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科口腔機能再構築学講座歯髄生物学分野 修了

1. Tokita D, Ebihara A, Miyara K, Okiji T. Dynamic Torsional and Cyclic Fracture Behavior of ProFile Rotary Instruments at Continuous or Reciprocating Rotation as Visualized with High-speed Digital Video Imaging. J Endod. 2017 Aug;43(8):1337-1342.

2. Tokita D, Ebihara A, Nishijo M, Miyara K, Okiji T. Dynamic Torque and Vertical Force Analysis during Nickel-titanium Rotary Root Canal Preparation with Different Modes of Reciprocal Rotation. J Endod. 2017 Oct;43(10):1706-1710.

3. ニッケルチタンロータリーファイルの往復回転運動で生じるトルクおよび垂直荷重:トルク依存型および時間依存型往復回転運動の評価
時田 大輔, 海老原 新, 宮良 香菜, 興地 隆史 日歯保存誌 2017; 60: 162-169

4. M-Wireを用いたNiTi製ファイルProFile Vortexの相変態挙動および曲げ特性
宮良 香菜, 八幡 祥生, 時田 大輔, 海老原 新, 塙 隆夫, 興地 隆史 日歯保存誌 2015; 58: 356-362

5. Nishijo M, Ebihara A, Tokita D, Doi H, Hanawa T, Okiji T. Evaluation of selected mechanical properties of NiTi rotary glide path files manufactured from controlled memory wires. Dent Mater J. 2018 Jul 29;37(4):549-554.

6. Fukumori Y, Nishijyo M, Tokita D, Miyara K, Ebihara A, Okiji T. Comparative analysis of mechanical properties of differently tapered nickeltitanium endodontic rotary instruments. Dent Mater J. 2018 Jul 29;37(4):667-674.

7. Maki K, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Effect of Different Speeds of Up-and-down Motion on Canal Centering Ability and Vertical Force and Torque Generation of Nickel-titanium Rotary Instruments. J Endod. 2019 Jan;45(1):68-72.e1.

8. Fangli T, Maki K, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Ebihara A, Okiji T. Assessment of mechanical properties of WaveOne Gold Primary reciprocating instruments. Dent Mater J. 2019 Jun 1;38(3):490-495.

9. Htun PH, Ebihara A, Maki K, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Comparison of torque, force generation and canal shaping ability between manual and nickel-titanium glide path instruments in rotary and optimum glide path motion. Odontology. 2020 Apr;108(2):188-193.

10. Maki K, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Miyara K, Okiji T. Enhanced root canal-centering ability and reduced screw-in force generation of reciprocating nickel-titanium instruments with a post-machining thermal treatment. Dent Mater J. 2020 Mar 31;39(2):251-255.

11. Kimura S, Ebihara A, Maki K, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Effect of Optimum Torque Reverse Motion on Torque and Force Generation during Root Canal Instrumentation with Crown-down and Single-length Techniques. J Endod. 2020 Feb;46(2):232-237.

12. Nakatsukasa T, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Maki K, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Comparative evaluation of mechanical properties and shaping performance of heat-treated nickel titanium rotary instruments used in the single-length technique. Dent Mater J. 2021 May 29;40(3):743-749.